Akh’Barad Turu (Akh’Barad Sect)

The Akh'Barad Turu, which roughly translates to the “Universal People of the Sand,” is the most common and widespread form of the faith. It’s a term used more by religious scholars and observers than the worshippers themselves, who simply call themselves the Akh’Barad. In this form of the religion, the entire pantheon is worshipped equally. While some consider Akh’Mashnazahd to be the most powerful deity of the pantheon, most consider Fah, the Sun God, to be the most powerful of the gods, but the point isn’t particularly relevant. All of the gods are worshipped together, all are given special deference on their feast days and holidays, and the entire pantheon is collectively respected. Individual tribes and villages may adopt one of the gods as their particular patron, but they nevertheless will have shrines or temples for the other gods and will continue to pay homage and respect to all of the other gods on their feast days. When a village or tribe has adopted a particular god as their patron, their faith is known as the Akh’Barad ni’Fa, or Akh’Barad ni’Akh’Mashnazahd, or the like, meaning “People of the Sand Under the Protection of Fa,” or “…Under the Protection of Akh’Mashnazahd,” and so forth.

Akh’Barad ni’Fa

Akh’Barad ni’Fa literally translates to “People of the Sand Under the Protection of Fa.” It is an Akh'Barad Turu sect that recognizes and worships the entire pantheon of Akh’Barad gods, but who have adopted Fah as their personal patron and protector for their village or community.

Akh’Barad ni’Akh’Mashnazahd

Akh’Barad ni’Akh’Mashnazahd literally translates to “People of the Sand Under the Protection of Akh’Mashnazahd.” It is an Akh'Barad Turu sect that recognizes and worships the entire pantheon of Akh’Barad gods, but who have adopted Akh’Mashnazahd as their personal patron and protector for their village or community.

Akh’Barad ni’Tabesh

Akh’Barad ni’Tabesh literally translates to “People of the Sand Under the Protection of Tabesh.” An Akh'Barad Turu sect that recognizes and worships the entire pantheon of Akh’Barad gods, but who have adopted Tabesh as their personal patron and protector for their village or community.

Akh’Barad ni’DagDishe

Akh’Barad ni’DagDishe translates to “People of the Sand Under the Protection of Dag’Dishe.” It is an Akh'Barad Turu sect that recognizes and worships the entire pantheon of Akh’Barad gods, but who have adopted Dag’Dishe as their personal patron and protector for their village or community.

Akh’Barad ni’BagDishe

Akh’Barad ni’BagDishe translates to “People of the Sand Under the Protection of Bag’Dishe.” It is an Akh'Barad Turu sect that recognizes and worships the entire pantheon of Akh’Barad gods, but who have adopted Bag’Dishe as their personal patron and protector for their village or community.

Akh’Barad ni’PagDishe

Akh’Barad ni’PagDishe translates to “People of the Sand Under the Protection of Pag’Dishe.” It is an Akh'Barad Turu sect that recognizes and worships the entire pantheon of Akh’Barad gods, but who have adopted Dag’Pishe as their personal patron and protector for their village or community.

Akh’Barad ni’Vak’Shana

Akh’Barad ni’Vak’Shana translates to “People of the Sand Under the Protection of Vak’Shana.” An Akh'Barad Turu sect that recognizes and worships the entire pantheon of Akh’Barad gods, but who have adopted Vak’Shana as their personal patron and protector for their village or community.

Akh’Barad ni’Jemar

Akh’Barad ni’Jemar translates to “People of the Sand Under the Protection of Jemar Hez’Azkabah.” It is an Akh'Barad Turu sect that recognizes and worships the entire pantheon of Akh’Barad gods, but who have adopted Jemar Hez’Azkabah as their personal patron and protector for their village or community.