Index Game-Play Indices Home Brew House Rules Adnati Subject-Specific Indices Geography Geoscience History Magic People Religion All Entries 1st Hominid Age2nd Hominid Age3rd Hominid Age4th Hominid Age5th Hominid Age6th Hominid AgeAbility Checks (HR)Áes Camáir (Human Pantheon)Áes Camáir FolkloreÁes Camáir RelicsAgesAirgdide Gérat, the Silver Knight (Áes Camáir god)Akh'Barad Turu (Akh'Barad Sect)Akh’Barad (Human Pantheon)Akh’Barad ni’Akh’Mashnazahd (Akh'Barad Sect)Akh’Barad ni’BagDishe (Akh'Barad Sect)Akh’Barad ni’DagDishe (Akh'Barad Sect)Akh’Barad ni’Fa (Akh'Barad Sect)Akh’Barad ni’Jemar (Akh'Barad Sect)Akh’Barad ni’PagDishe (Akh'Barad Sect)Akh’Barad ni’Tabesh (Akh'Barad Sect)Akh’Barad ni’Vak’Shana (Akh'Barad Sect)Akh’Barad Sects (Human Pantheon)Akh’Mashnazahd (Akh'Barad God)Akh’Mashnazahd’Barad (Akh'Barad Sect)Almagest (Human Pantheon)Almagest Gods of AirAlmagest Gods of AutumnAlmagest Gods of EarthAlmagest Gods of FireAlmagest Gods of SpringAlmagest Gods of SummerAlmagest Gods of the Adaptive QualityAlmagest Gods of the Ascendant QualityAlmagest Gods of the Resolute QualityAlmagest Gods of WaterAlmagest Gods of WinterAltadaans (Month)Altair, the Griffin (Almagest Pantheon)Altair, the Griffin (Constellation)Amanzi (God of the Kotaran Faith)Amma Camaiyal, The Baker (Dwarven Pantheon)Anair ap Gáeth, the East Wind (Áes Camáir demigod)Ansel Feirmeoir (Sonaide Bri Legends)Appa Maruntu, The Father (Dwarven Pantheon)Arcane MagicArch-Celestials (Universalist Religion)ArchmageArotro (Theosi god)Arúyn, the Master of the Hunt (Áes Camáir god)Asha (Estarine Pantheon)Astronomy & the CosmosAtraradaans (Month)Atrarora, the Salamander (Almagest Pantheon)Atrarora, the Salamander (Constellation)Aurinko (Theosi Mythos)Bag’Dishe (Akh'Barad God)Bennedaans (Month)Bennu, the Phoenix (Almagest Pantheon))Bennu, the Phoenix (Constellation)Beran, the Ram (Zvire Mythos)Bheyn, The Father (Trinity Pantheon)Bráenna ap Túirenn (Áes Camáir god)Brigga ap Ítharnae (Áes Camáir goddess)Caerudraal, the Blue MoonCamáir (Áes Camáir goddess)Chelydaans (Month)Chelys, the Aspidochelone (Almagest Pantheon)Chelys, the Aspidochelone (Constellation)Chobotnice, the Octopus (Zvire Mythos)Chryadaans (Month)Chryasor, the Pegasus (Almagest Pantheon)Chryasor, the Pegasus (Constellation)Cities of the UnderdarkCleric DomainsCommon CalendarConservative Universalists (Universalist Religion)Continents of AdnatiCoronation of King Ádair ap Uedán (Sonaide Bri Legends)Creeping Gloam (HB)Croccán dé Túirenn (Áes Camáir faith)Cyrene, the Holy Spirit (Trinity Pantheon)Dag’Dishe (Akh'Barad God)Damán Allaid, the Weaver (Áes Camáir goddess)Dáskalosa (Theosi goddess)Déine ap Gáeth, the Snow Queen (Áes Camáir goddess)Denali OceanDikastís, the Judge (Theosi god)Divine MagicDream ForceDwarven RailroadEidýllia (Theosi goddess)Ej’Antlahan (Akh'Barad God)Elapida, the Basilisk (Almagest Pantheon)Elapida, the Basilisk (Constellation)Elapidaans (Month)Eldamar Galion (Estarine Pantheon)Eldamaradÿn (Day of the Week)Eldamarí (Planet)Éleos (Theosi goddess)Énchendach ap Fidbaid (Áes Camáir goddess)Epicheiríseis (Theosi goddess)EpochsErasEras, Epochs, and AgesEstaradÿn (Day of the Week)Estarine Gods (Elven Pantheon)Fáebar dé Gérat (Áes Camáir faith)Fah (Akh'Barad God)Fah’Barad (Akh'Barad Sect)Fah’Barad Hai (Akh'Barad Sect)Fairy Cavalcade (Áes Camáir faith)Faitse ap Gáeth, the South Wind (Áes Camáir demigod)Falcon, Giant (HB)Farage OceanFaylon ArúynFaylon ÉnchendachFaylon OrdaeFayluh BráennaFayluh BriggaFayluh DéineFayluh GentraigeFayluh LirFifth EpochFinian ap Cadman (Áes Camáir demigod)First EpochFirst EraFocusless Casting (HB)Four Blessings (Áes Camáir Relics)Four Winds (Áes Camáir demigods)Fourth EpochFylakí, the Warden (Theosi god)Fýlo (Theosi god)Gablán dé Brigga (Áes Camáir faith)Galem SeaGaruda, the Peryton (Almagest Pantheon)Garuda, the Peryton (Constellation)Garudaans (Month)Gatheladÿn (Day of the Week)Gathelon Tarminel (Estarine Pantheon)Gatheloní (Planet)Gentraige Fín (Áes Camáir god)Geology & LithosphereGeoscience of AdnatiGods of the Arcana DomainGods of the Death DomainGods of the Forge DomainGods of the Grave DomainGods of the Knowledge DomainGods of the Life DomainGods of the Light DomainGods of the Nature DomainGods of the Order DomainGods of the Peace DomainGods of the Tempest DomainGods of the Trickery DomainGods of the Twilight DomainGods of the War DomainGwytheon (Sonaide Bri Legends)Havran, the Raven (Zvire Mythos)Helmi (Theosi Mythos)History of AdnatiHydrosphereÍarus ap Gáeth, the West Wind (Áes Camáir demigod)Ilanga (God of the Kotaran Faith)Ilimoradÿn (Day of the Week)Ilimoran Toruvial (Estarine Pantheon)Ilimoran's Promise (HB)Ilimorí, the North StarIliós (Theosi god)Imbas Dúil (Áes Camáir god)IndexIndex of Geoscience EntriesIndex of Historical EntriesInitiative: Delaying Your Turn (HR)Intaba (God of the Kotaran Faith)Iouloúdia (Theosi goddess)Jaynään (Continent)Jelen, the Stag (Zvire Mythos)Jemar Hez’Azkabah (Akh'Barad God)Jesterka, the Lizard (Zvire Mythos)Jestrab, the Hawk (Zvire Mythos)Jinzi SeaKachna, the Duck (Zvire Mythos)Kanek, the Boar (Zvire Mythos)Ketedaans (Month)Ketesias, the Unicorn (Almagest Pantheon)Ketesias, the Unicorn (Constellation)Kocka, the Cat (Zvire Mythos)Kólasi (Theosi Mythos)Kósmimo (Theosi god)Kotara (God of the Kotaran Faith)Kotaran Belief (Human Religion/Philosophy)Kralik, the Rabbit (Zvire Mythos)Krysa, the Rat (Zvire Mythos)Kun, the Horse (Zvire Mythos)Kynígi (Theosi goddess)Labut, the Swan (Zvire Mythos)Lassamistra Ordymil (Estarine Pantheon)Lassamistradÿn (Day of the Week)Lassamistrí (Planet)Layers of the UnderdarkLenoch (Continent)Lesser Gifts (Áes Camáir Relics)Lesser Shapechange (HB)Lía dé Ordae (Áes Camáir faith)Lienne, the Lady of the Orchard (Vähän gods, the Halfling Pantheon)Life ForceLight Sources in the UnderdarkLir ap Tríath (Áes Camáir god)Liska, the Fox (Zvire Mythos)Lord of Lies (Universalist Religion)Lowerdark (Region of the Underdark)Lúamain (Áes Camáir faith)Lumadair (Great Island)Luminescent CrystalsLunaal, the Gray MoonLunadÿn (Day of the Week)Lyta, The Mother (Trinity Pantheon)Lythí (Planet)Lythia Nuros (Estarine Pantheon)Lythiadÿn (Day of the Week)Mage LevelsMage WarsMagesMagic in AdnatiMagical IndexManikkam Kollan, The Smith (Dwarven Pantheon)Maranam, The Reaper or The Shadow (Dwarven Pantheon)Marquez SeaMaytässa (Continent)Medved, the Bear (Zvire Mythos)Melquart, the Hippocampus (Almagest Pantheon)Melquart, the Hippocampus (Constellation)Melquedaans (Month)Meludaans (Month)Melusina, the Dragon (Almagest Pantheon)Melusina, the Dragon (Constellation)Middledark (Region of the Underdark)Minor CataclysmMlok, the Salamander (Zvire Mythos)Months (Common Calendar)Moons of AdnatiMother Ailish (Vähän gods, the Halfling Pantheon)Mother Una (Sonaide Bri Legends)Mt. AurinkovímataMt. TairngiriMyogan, the Kestrel (Sonaide Bri Legends)Nathairsioc (Áes Camáir faith)Netopyr, the Bat (Zvire Mythos)New Year's Day (Common Calendar)Nordlige OceanNorthern Galem SeaOceans of AdnatiÓirlúit (Áes Camáir faith)One God (Universalist Religion)Opice, the Monkey (Zvire Mythos)Ordae Ruíri (Áes Camáir god)Orel, the Eagle (Zvire Mythos)Orson of the Grapes (Vähän gods, the Halfling Pantheon)Orthodox Universalists (Universalist Religion)Pag’Dishe (Akh'Barad God)Pantheons by RacePausadaans (Month)Pausanius, the Manticore (Almagest Pantheon)Pausanius, the Manticore (Constellation)Payan Alaiya, The Wanderer (Dwarven Pantheon)Pevec, the Songbird (Zvire Mythos)Phosphorescent FungiPhosphorescent LichensPlanetsPlíthos (Theosi god)Polemistís (Theosi god)Post-Cataclysmic CivilizationsPre-Cataclysmic CivilizationsPre-Hominid LifeProdosía (Theosi goddess)Psarás (Theosi god)Psychic CrystalRainbow Bridge (HB)Raudraal, the Red MoonRealm of the Earth (Zvire Mythos)Realm of the Sky (Zvire Mythos)Realm of the Water (Zvire Mythos)Reformed Universalists (Universalist Religion)Religions in AdnatiReligious IndexRévma (Theosi goddess)Rígan Lúan (Áes Camáir goddess)Ring of Languages (HB)Ryba, the Fish (Zvire Mythos)Seas of AdnatiSecond EpochSecond EraSemefet (Akh'Barad God)Seodaghrian (Áes Camáir faith)Seventh EpochShapechange (HR/HB)Síabrad (Áes Camáir god)Siege of the High Reaches (Sonaide Bri Legends)Siléä SeaSixth EpochSola, the SunSoladÿn (Day of the Week)Sonai SeaSonaide Bri (Human Culture)Sonaide Bri Afterlife BeliefsSonaide Bri Holidays & Festivals (Human Culture)Southern Galem SeaSova, the Owl (Zvire Mythos)Stars and Constellations of AdnatiStatuette of Nondetection (HB)Sup, the Vulture (Zvire Mythos)Tabesh (Akh'Barad God)Tabesh’Barad (Akh'Barad Sect)Teleportation Circle (HR/HB)Thalassa SeaThálassi (Theosi god)Thánatos the Undying (Theosi god)The Ádairiad (Sonaide Bri Legends)The Féth (Áes Camáir faith)The Great CataclysmThe Makers or the Seven Workers (Dwarven Pantheon)The Trinity (Human Pantheon)Theosi (Human Pantheon)Third EpochThird EraThirío (Theosi god)Tír Tairngiri (Áes Camáir faith)Travel in the UnderdarkTrevena (Sonaide Bri Legends)Trypóno (Theosi Mythos)Túaiscert ap Gáeth, the North Wind (Áes Camáir demigod)Tuthodaans (Month)Tuthose, the Kraken (Almagest Pantheon)Tuthose, the Kraken (Constellation)Twyndír Amhrání (Sonaide Bri Legends)Tygr, the Tiger (Zvire Mythos)Tyra Manora (Estarine Pantheon)Tyradÿn (Day of the Week)Tyrí (Planet)Umoya (God of the Kotaran Faith)UnderdarkUniversalists (Human Religion)Upperdark (Region of the Underdark)Urgdard uk Laba Dishe (Akh'Barad Sect)Usmev Mountains (Lenoch)Vähän (Halflings Pantheon)Vak’Shana (Akh'Barad God)Valariadÿn (Day of the Week)Valeria Ithildrim (Estarine Pantheon)Valporviran Irinuvam, The Warrior (Dwarven Pantheon)Vasilissa (Theosi goddess)Vetti Etuppavar, The Digger (Dwarven Pantheon)Voracious Sullage (HB)Vulk, the Wolf (Zvire Mythos)Vydra, the Otter (Zvire Mythos)Weeks (Common Calendar)Wild HuntZad’Aka (Akh'Barad God)Zelva, the Turtle (Zvire Mythos)Zhraig Essex (Continent)Zhraig Wessex (Continent)Zmije, the Viper (Zvire Mythos)Zralok, the Shark (Zvire Mythos)Zvire Mythos (Human Pantheon)