Lir ap Tríath (Áes Camáir god)

Lir ap Tríath of the Áes Camáir is the god of oceans, travel, foreign relations and trade. He is the second of Camáir’s five children.

The Festival of Lir ap Tríath, or Fayluh Lir, is celebrated on the Summer Solstice on the Common Calendar, beginning at sundown on Altadaans 31 and continuing into the evening of Tuthodaans 1.


Mother: Camáir

Children: Children with Rígan Lúan: Énchendach ap Fidbaid. Children with Déine ap Gáeth, the Snow Queen: Bráenna ap Túirenn.


Tempest, Life, Grave, Twilight.

Artistic Representations