Appa Maruntu, The Father (Dwarven Pantheon)

Appa Maruntu is known more informally as the Father and sometimes as the Healer. He is the head of theĀ Dwarven Pantheon, often depicted seated on a giant granite throne flanked on either side by the six other gods on smaller thrones. He is shown as aged and wise, with a long gray beard and sometimes with spectacles. In battle, he is shown wielding a great mace and a large shield. He is the god of monarchs, governance, law and order, patience, book learning, defense, and also of magic and healing. In war, he is regarded in terms of defensive strategy, including fortresses, walls, gates, and other defensive strategies meant to keep invaders out. Kings, nobles, and physicians often regard him as their personal patron.

Domains: Knowledge, Life, Arcana, Forge, Order, Peace, Twilight, War.

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