Ordae Ruíri (Áes Camáir god)

Ordae Ruíri of the Áes Camáir, the eldest of Camáir’s children, is happily married to Rígan Lúan, though that hasn’t stopped either of them from having affairs and even children with other lovers.

He is depicted as a wise, aging warrior king who presides in Tír Tairngiri, a glittering palace of white marble and gold leaf carved into mountainous caves that provide access to the Feywild. He sits upon a stone throne and wears a golden crown, the Lía dé Ordae, one of the four great artifacts known as the Four Blessings.

He is the eldest of Camáir’s five children. The Festival of Ordae Ruíri, or Faylon Ordae, begins at sundown on Meludaans 15th and continues into the next evening. It is a midsummer celebration and one of the most important on the Sonaide Bri calendar.


Mother: Camáir

Children: Children with Rígan Lúan: Damán Allaid, the Weaver. Children with Déine ap Gáeth, the Snow Queen: Airgdide Gérat, the Silver Knight.


Order, Peace, War, Grave, Twilight

Artistic Representations