Urgdard uk Laba Dishe (Akh’Barad Sect)

The sect known as the Urgdard uk Laba Dishe (“the balance of the Brothers Dishe”), or sometimes for short the Laba Dishe (“the Brothers Dishe”) or simply the Urgdard (“the Balance”) usually operates as a peaceful sect within communities of the Akh'Barad Turu, generally openly and unmolested. Unlike the sects of Akh’Barad ni’DagDishe, Akh’Barad ni’BagDishe, and Akh’Barad ni’PagDishe, the worshippers of Urgdard uk Laba Dishe venerate the three triplet sons of Tabesh together as a trinity. Dag’Dishe represents strength, loyalty, honor, hard work, physical prowess, and attention to the task at hand. Bag’Dishe represents knowledge, education, prudence, and striving for improvement. Pag’Dishe represents the enjoying the pleasures and joys of life, appreciating the fruits of one’s labors, remembering to “smell the flowers.” Taken as a whole, the sect is about finding balance in all things in life.