Fah’Barad (Akh’Barad Sect)

While a majority of the Akh’Barad worship as part of the broader Akh'Barad Turu faith, believing in the balance of all of the gods, many believe Fah rather than Akh’Mashnazahd to be the most preeminent of the gods. This is not necessarily inconsistent with Akh'Barad Turu teachings, providing that proper respect and worship of the other gods is provided on their feast days. But those who follow the Fah’Barad sect believe that Fah is the only Greater God and all of the others are Lesser Gods. In communities where they have taken control, they may tolerate other sects to varying degrees providing that proper respect is granted to Fah and that only those who are part of the Fah’Barad sect can hold positions of political power. But among the more militant and monotheistic Fah’Barad Hai offshoot sect, Fah is considered to be the only god, and the others are considered to be mere demigods, like celestials or saints. In these communities, open worship of the other gods is forbidden; prayers to those gods are permitted only as a plea for them to intercede with Fah. The Fah’Barad Hai will either convert the temples of other gods to be a temple to Fah or will completely destroy them unless they are no more than a small shrine, and they will slay without trial any high-ranking priest of any of the other gods who does not convert to becoming a priest of Fah. It is an incredibly patriarchal cult, and priestesses of Tabesh are particularly vulnerable, as are any worshippers of the Tabesh’Barad sect.