Fylakí, the Warden (Theosi god)

Fylakí, the Warden is the Theosi jailer for the prison of souls, the God who oversees the torments inflicted on evil-doers condemned to the Underworld realm of Kólasi who are punished until they are allowed to return to the earth to “try again” in another life.

In Kólasi, Fylakí’s father Dikastís sits in judgement of the souls of the recently dead. Those who have been deemed too wicked to pass to one of the more pleasant Afterlife realms, Aurinko or Helmi, and who have not been granted mercy by Fylakí’s mother, Éleos, are turned over to Kólasi for torture and torment until he deems them ready to be reincarnated to start the journey anew.

Fylakí’s siblings also dwell in Kólasi: Thánatos the Undying, the god of the Undead, and Prodosía, the goddess of the living creatures of the Underdark.

Domains: War. Alternate Domains: Grave