Prodosía (Theosi goddess)

Prodosía, is the Theosi goddess of the creatures of the Underdark. She rules the intelligent and unintelligent creatures who dwell beneath the surface: orcs and ogres and carrion crawlers, among others. Some say she gave birth to them; others say she recruited them to serve her. She is also the goddess of treachery and deceit, of traitors and assassins, of poison and cunning, of backstabbing and dishonorable combat.

She resides in Kólasi, the Underworld. There, her father, Dikastís, the Judge, determines which souls are too wicked to pass to a more pleasant Afterlife and are condemned to be tormented by her brother Fylakí unless their mother, Éleos, the goddess of mercy, is able to intervene.

Her other brother, Thánatos the Undying, is the god of the Undead.

Domains: Death