Lesser Gifts (Áes Camáir Relics)

The Lesser Gifts are Áes Camáir artifacts that while not as powerful as the Four Blessings are nevertheless very mighty indeed.

The Óirlúit

The Óirlúit generally appears as a golden harp, though it may appear as any musical instrument desired. Though not one of the Four Blessings, it is a very powerful relic in its own right, particularly when used by bards. Though it is not specifically named after him, many legends depict it being used by Gentraige Fín or delivered to a worthy mortal by him. Its strings cannot break, and it is said when a bard uses it to weave a spell, their spells are more powerful and more abundant. Some legends depict it as being used by Gwytheon, the mythical composer of the The Ádairiad sagas.

The Seodaghrian

The Seodaghrian is a fist-sized crystal that floats about the bearer when it is not hidden or being carried. It emits a bright light unless commanded not to, granting the bearer improved perceptiveness as well as the ability to see magic and sometimes pierce through illusions and magical disguises. It is not associated with any of the gods in particular, and unlike the other Áes Camáir relics, it is believed that it need not be granted by the grace of the gods but rather can be found by happenstance. Some believe that there may be more than one.