Adnati Campaign

Geography, geoscience, history, magic, people, religions…

Diaries recounting the adventurers’ observations about their encounters…

Homemade character classes and subclasses, feats, magic items, monsters, spells…

Clarification and adaptations of the DND 5e rules…
World of Adnati

Oceans, continents, mountains and forests, kingdoms and countries, cities and villages…

Adnati’s geology and geological phenomena, including the atmosphere, biosphere, hydrosphere, and lithosphere…

High-level history of Adnati from the neolithic age through the Age of Mages to the present

How magic operates in Adnati, including the alchemy of Life Force and Dream Force, as well as homebrew spells and magic items…

All of the people in Adnati, including alphabetic lists and geographic breakdowns…

The religions of humans, elves, dwarves, halflings, and other demihumans, as well as those of intelligent monsters and creatures…

A-Z list of Wiki entries as well as breakdowns by subject areas…
DM’s Corner

Real-word historical context that relates to Adnati, as well as any out-of-character comments from the DM to players…

Private! For the DM’s eyes only! Items here will migrate to the Adnati Wiki once characters learn about them….