Conservative Universalists (Universalist Religion)

In the Universalist faith, members of the Conservative Sect are somewhat more relaxed in their worship of the One God than the Orthodox sects, yet are still militant about spreading the faith by the sword to heathens who worship false idols.

Men and women may worship side-by-side. Women, especially married women, are expected to dress modestly, but baring their heads or arms isn’t unseemly. Premarital and extramarital sex is frowned upon for men, but forgivable, but for women it is considered much more sinful, for a man has a right to know if his wife is carrying his child or another’s.

Though members of the Conservative Sect accept violence in the name of expanding the faith, executions for heretics among them is rare save for the most extreme cases (usually for those actively encouraging others to renounce the One God, rather than mere differences in how to worship Him). Arcane magic is permitted for those who remain devoted to the One God, but is viewed somewhat suspiciously, as it is seen to be a frequent tool of the Lord of Lies. They believe that individual members of the Reformed Sect may be risking their souls if they take actions that stray too far from the True Path, but unlike the Conservative Sect, they don’t believe that damnation is automatic if they don’t convert to a stricter sect before they die.

Clerics can choose any domain except the Domain of Death, as the Undead are an abomination.

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