Creeping Gloam (HB)


Level Casting Time Range/Area Components
7th 10 Minutes 150 ft (1 sq mile) V, S, M *
Duration School Attack/Save Damage/Effect
1 Hour Evocation None Control

A gloomy twilight covers an area of up to one square mile centered on a point, object, or willing individual you choose that’s within range. You may choose any shape that has an area of up to one square mile (such as square that is one mile by one mile, a rectangle that is two miles long by half a mile wide, or a rectangle that is four miles long and a quarter mile wide).

The gloom isn’t completely dark; individuals without darkvision or other special senses can still see as adequately as they could when day turns to dusk, or during a very stormy day. The area is treated as light obscured: creatures have disadvantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on sight unless the creature has darkvision or a supplemental light source is provided.

Within the gloam, creatures with sunlight sensitivity and sunlight hypersensitivity can operate normally without the ill effects of sunlight. Creatures within the gloam get disadvantage on all saving throws against being frightened, though nocturnal creatures and creatures with darkvision are immune to this effect.

Within the gloam, nonmagical light sources such as torches and lanterns operate normally, as do magical objects that radiate light. Spells such as light also operate normally, but do not negate the gloam’s other effects, and creatures negatively affected by sunlight remain protected within the gloam even if they are within the effects of the light spell. Devices and spells that cause radiant damage operate normally. If the point you choose to center the spell on is on an object or a person, the gloam moves with it. Unlike with the darkness spell, completely covering the source of the darkness with an opaque object, such as a bowl or a helm, does not have any effect on the gloam.

If the creeping gloam is centered on an object or creature that is destroyed or killed, the effect is the same as if a dispel magic was cast on it: make a DC check of 17 (or 18 or 19 if an 8th or 9th level slot is used) to see if the gloam is dispelled. If it is not dispelled, it remains stationery unless and until the caster is within the gloam and uses an action to recenter the spell on another object or willing subject.

At Higher Levels. When you cast the spell using an 8th level slot, you may increase the duration to 12 hours or extend the area to two square miles. If you use a 9th level slot, you may increase the duration to 24 hours or extend the area to four square miles.

* (one or more onyx gemstones collectively worth at least 1,000 gp)

Spell Tags: Control

Available For: Cleric, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard

DM’s Note

The creeping gloam is meant to replicate the Dawnless Day in The Return of the King when Sauron used magical darkness to protect his sunlight-sensitive orcs as they marched against Gondor. Powerful mages and priests from the Underdark might use it to protect troops of kobolds, drow, or undead that are vulnerable to sunlight as they attack realms on the surface, or to make their enemies more vulnerable to fear.