Fáebar dé Gérat (Áes Camáir faith)

Also called the Blade of Airgdide Gérat, the Fáebar dé Gérat is a powerful Áes Camáir relic that generally manifests as a great sword whose silver blade crackles with a blue-white electrical energy. It may also manifest as a spear, an arrow, or other piercing weapon. It is associated with the god Airgdide Gérat, the element of air, and the east wind Anair ap Gáeth. For its authorized bearer, it confers the power of flight, whether held or sheathed. Wielders are automatically immune to lightning and electrical-based damage, whether from the weather, spell, breath weapons, or other sources, and the blade also grants the bearer the ability to cast certain lightning-based spells.

Artistic Representations