Sea traders, mages with the ability to fly, and intelligent flying creatures and those mounted on them have concluded millennia upon millennia ago that Adnati is a spherical world, approximately 25,000 miles around, with an estimated diameter of nearly 8,000 miles and an estimated surface area of nearly 200 million square miles.
The Common Calendar, which is solar-based, divides Adnati years into 362 days, the time it takes to go from the Winter Solstice through the seasons and back to the Winter Solstice. Each day is broken into 24 hours: 12 hours each of daylight and darkness at the Spring and Autumn equinoxes. Each hour has 60 minutes, and each minute has 60 seconds.

Astronomy & Cosmos
The skies above Adnati, including its sun, moons, and major stars and constellations.