In the world of Adnati, spellcasters wield magic by harnessing and melding two invisible forms of mystical energy known as Life Force and Dream Force. Their training and natural abilities allow them to tap into these forces of energy differently depending whether they practice divine or arcane magic.
Types of Magical Energy
The two forms of magical energy are known as Life Force and Dream Force, which spellcasters weave together to give their spells both shape and substance. Spells cannot be created without combining the two forms of energy.
Life Force
Life Force is a form of energy generated from all living things on the Prime Material Plane. Although it is abundant on Adnati, it does not naturally occur in the Outer Planes and must be transmitted there. Some of it seeps through to the Outer Planes, but the primary route of transmission is through the prayers of worshippers on Adnati to their deities in the Outer Planes.
Dream Force
Dream Force is a form of magical energy that is abundant in the Outer Planes, but does not naturally occur on Adnati. Some Dream Force seeps into the Prime Material Plane, but extra-planar beings can also transmit the energy to Adnati as well.
Types of Spellcrafting
Spellcasters are, broadly speaking, divided into two camps: arcane arcane and divine practitioners.
Practitioners of Arcane Magic
Those who practice mage craft, the arcane traditions of magic, learn how to see strands of Dream Force that has seeped onto the earth, and can weave it together with the readily abundant Life Force to cast their spells. Sorcerers have an innate, instinctive ability to see and tap into both Life Force and Dream Force, and over time develop their ability to weave these forms of energy together. For Wizards, that ability comes through years of study. Warlocks and witches are considered to practice arcane magic, but their power comes through a pact with an otherworldly patron who weaves the two forms of energy themselves and then transmits it to the warlock, similar to practitioners of divine magic. Sorcerers, wizards, and warlocks are collectively known as Mages, but they are not the only practitioners of arcane magic. Other classes with their specialty spells — such as bards, arcane tricksters, and eldritch knights — also use forms of arcane magic, even though they are not considered to be Mages.
Practitioners of Divine Magic
Those who practice divine magic pray to a deity in the Outer Planes, which results in a bilateral transmission of energy. Worshippers who pray to a deity transmit Life Force from Adnati out to the Other Planes, where the deity can use it to create and control their realm. In exchange, deities can transmit Dream Force to their chosen worshippers, primarily clerics and druids, allowing them to manifest divine power on Adnati.