Myogan, the Kestrel (Sonaide Bri Legends)

In Áes Camáir folklore and legends, Myogan, the Kestrel, was a powerful mage who features prominently in The Ádairiad, a collection of epic poems penned by an ancient bard, Gwytheon that tells a series of tales about King Ádair ap Uedán who united the Sonaide Bri in their battles against the goblins.

Myogan, famous for his transformative abilities, was called “the Kestrel” because he would often take a giant form of the falcon that was large enough to bear a fully armored knight and was nearly as powerful and intelligent as the giant eagles. His constant companion was a talking kestrel falcon named Aristotle.

Though there are many tales from others about Myogan as a young wizard, he had surpassed his fortieth year of age by the time he appears in The Ádairiad. The legends describe how Myogan persuaded the great kings and lords of the Sonaide Bri that they must unite if they were to defeat the goblins, and then put forth Ádair, a baseborn lad, as their new king. Though the lords protested that they would not be led by a beardless boy who was barely of his majority, Myogan was able to convince them that Ádair had been chosen by the gods, as evidenced by the mighty gifts they bestowed upon him: the mighty sword Fáebar dé Gérat and the great crown Lía dé Ordae.

After the goblin wars were won, Ádair built his legendary castle, Trevena, on land provided by Myogan, so that Ádair would not be beholden to any of the petty kings for his land. And when the core part of his castle was complete, he wed Whenfara, his legendary queen.

Myogan stayed by Ádair’s side for decades, serving throughout the king’s reign, save for a five year period towards the end when he was traveling with the The Man of Fire. He returned to his king when Trevena was beset by a demon prince, Baylígûr, whom Myogan’s apprentice Numaria had been tricked into summoning. Myogan was only able to slay the demon by bringing down the very walls of Trevena about them.

In Gwytheon’s saga, the gods elevated both Myogan and King Ádair to be demigods upon their deaths in the rubble of Trevena.