Orthodox Universalists (Universalist Religion)

The Orthodox Universalists are most militantly devout and proscriptive of the Universalist sects. Within the sect, men and women are expected to worship the One God separately. Women are expected to dress incredibly modestly, covering most of their bodies except their faces (with married women even keeping their hair bound and covered when in public). Premarital and extramarital sex is forbidden, and even nonprocreative sex is frowned upon. Women are forbidden most roles outside of the home except for those who renounce a family life and live in convents dedicated to ministering to the poor and sick. Those women who do not are expected to marry and bear as many children as possible to expand the faith.

Orthodox Universalists promote warfare and military aggression to forcibly expand the faith, slaughtering any who refuse to convert. They have no problem with the execution of heretics in their midst whom they claim follow the Lord of Lies, and the most extreme even condemn to death other followers of the One God who fail to worship Him in the restrictive manner they advocate. Virtually all orthodox clerics will be men except for the women who live in monasteries ministering to the sick, who invariably take the Life or the Grave domain.

Male clerics may take any domain, except that the Death domain is shunned and only clerics in secret, illegal fanatic cults take that domain. As their sect believes in expanding the faith through conquest and dominion over the conquered, and promote the One God as a jealous, vengeful God, they are more likely to take the domains of War or Tempest more than clerics of the other sects.

Some orthodox ministers believe that arcane magic – any magic other than divine magic from the One God Himself – is a blasphemy from the Lord of Lies.

Members of the Orthodox Sect will tolerate members of the Conservative Sect, though they fear those members are walking a fine line on the edge of risking their immortal souls. They generally believe that members of the Reformed Universalists sect are delusional and will lose their immortal souls if they do not repent before the end of the days — though only the most extreme believe that the Reformed Universalists are heretics, and that Orthodox Universalists should be hastening the end of their days.

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