For millennia, sages have recognized that there are at least five known celestial bodies that traverse the skies in a manner completely unlike the moons, the stars and constellations, and the sun. The sages call them planets, and they have been named after five of the elven gods.
- Eldamarí – Named after the elven god Eldamar Galion. It has a slightly reddish hue.
- Gatheloní – Named after the elven god Gathelon Tarminel.
- Lassamistrí – Named after the elven god Lassamistra Ordymil.
- Lythí – Named after the elven god Lythia Nuros. It is the brightest of the planets.
- Tyrí – Named after the elven god Tyra Manora. It has a slightly bluish hue.