Rainbow Bridge (HB)

Level Casting Time Range/Area Components
4th 1 Action 120 ft V, S, M *
Duration School Attack/Save Damage/Effect
1 Hour Evocation None Control

You create a shimmering rainbow that anchors at a spot you designate and extends up to its maximum range, anchoring in another spot of your choice. Under normal conditions, the bridge is 10 feet wide and up to 120 feet long. It may be cast in any weather conditions, time of day, or level of darkness, even if a rainbow normally could not appear in those conditions, and may slope at any angle short of straight up and down.

For you and those you designate, the rainbow is solid and can be walked on like a bridge. The bridge’s magic prevents anyone allowed to walk on it from falling off without need for a Dexterity check, regardless of weather conditions, combat, being knocked prone or unconscious, slope of the rainbow, or any other effect. They may walk on it at their normal movement rate even if it is sloped at an otherwise impossibly steep angle.

At the time you cast the spell, you designate who is permitted to walk on the bridge:

  • Touch: Everyone in a chain of people touching you, or someone else who is touching you, or someone else touching one of them, for an unlimited chain of people.
  • Race: Anyone who’s race is the same, or partially the same, as the caster’s race. (An elven caster could use this to limit access to the bridge to elves and half-elves. A half-elf caster could limit it to elves, half-elves, and humans.)
  • Class: Anyone who has one or more levels in the class the caster used to cast the spell, including those of different subclasses.
  • Deity: Anyone who worships the same deity as the caster.
  • Religion: Anyone who worships any deity in the same pantheon as the caster’s deity.

An unlimited number of people can be granted permission to walk on the bridge if they meet the conditions set at the time the spell was cast. Access is granted at the time the spell is cast and cannot be changed or revoked for the duration of the spell.

For anyone not granted access to walk on the bridge, it is as insubstantial as an ordinary rainbow, and stepping on it is like stepping into empty air. Flying creatures can pass through it without effect to themselves or the rainbow bridge.

With the caster’s permission, others can work with the spellcaster to strengthen the rainbow bridge at the time it is created if they have at least one level in a class able to learn this spell, even if they do not know it or do not have sufficient levels to learn it. Each must touch the caster and expend one or more spell slots. For each spell slot level expended, the original caster may choose from the following effects:

  • The bridge is widened by one foot.
  • The bridge is lengthened by 10 feet.
  • The bridge’s duration is extended by 10 minutes.

The bridge is immune to attacks but can be dispelled by dispel magic or similar spells. The spell lasts for the entire duration of the spell unless you dismiss it early as a Bonus Action.

At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 5th or higher, you may do one of the following for each additional level: widen the bridge by one foot, lengthen the bridge by 10 feet, or extend the duration by 10 minutes.

* – (a vial of clear water)

Tags: Control

Available for: Bard, Cleric, Druid, Ranger