Reformed Universalists (Universalist Religion)

The most relaxed of the Universalists are in the Reformed Universalists sect. Members of the Reformed Sect advocate expanding the faith of the One God through teaching rather than the sword, and in countering heresy through education, and occasionally expulsion and banishment in the most extreme circumstances but never execution.

Women in the Reformed Sect may worship alongside men and can hold professions outside of the home, teach, and even become priests themselves. Wonton promiscuity is frowned upon but forgivable. Sex is considered an act of worship when love is involved, even in manners where procreation is impossible. Even same-sex pairings are accepted, with sects varying in the degree of openness to which same-sex couples may express themselves publicly.

Universalists of reformed sects are not only more tolerant of other sects but also are more tolerant of other religions. Some of them believe that other religions’ gods are merely different names for facets of their own God. Others believe that while these sinners may be damned or condemned to purgatory in the afterlife, that’s no reason to be impolite in the here and now. And all believe that helping the sick and downtrodden of all faiths is a way to proselytize and draw new followers to the Universal Church, for who can doubt the power of the One God when he has healed their injuries?

Clerics of the Reformed Sect tend to gravitate to the Life, Light, Nature, Twilight, and Grave domains, and rarely take the War or Tempest domains.

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