Religions in Adnati

In Adnati, most believe the gods are real, their priests are able to pass along their gods’ blessings, and some of their priests are prophets with the power to channel divine power to heal the wounded, cure the sick, and smite the wicked. Some skeptics might believe that these prophets are deluded sorcerers who misunderstand the source of their abilities, but most believe that the gods are real and channel Dream Force to their priests for the creation of divine magic.

Humans, the most prolific of the intelligent humanoid species on Adnati, have countless pantheons of gods. Demihumans, in contrast, tend to worship the same pantheon throughout the world. Dwarves, for example, almost all worship the Makers (or the Seven Workers) regardless where on Adnati they live.

Most people who follow pantheistic religions believe that gods of other faiths are real. They might believe their gods are more powerful, or simply that their gods have a particular interest in protecting people of their race or community, but they nevertheless don’t dispute the existence of other gods. Some of these gods even get adopted by multiple pantheons. Rígan Lúan of the Áes Camáir, for example, is worshipped as part of the pantheon worship by humans of the Sonaide Bri culture, but is also worshipped by some Sylvan Elves and other creatures of the forests, including some dryads, satyrs, and the like.

Worshippers of monotheistic faiths, on the other hand, tend to disbelieve that other gods are real. The most charitable of these may believe that foreign gods are celestials or other powerful beings from the Outer Planes; the most militant believe these gods are demons sent to test their faith, and disbelievers must convert or die.


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