Damán Allaid, the Weaver (Áes Camáir goddess)

Damán Allaid, the Weaver of the Áes Camáir is the goddess of prophesy, destiny, and the interconnectedness of events, as well as death in its proper course.

She is generally depicted seated at a loom shrouded in a dark gray cloak that conceals that she is essentially a large, anthropomorphized spider, generally with a woman’s face and torso and eight limbs. In her tapestries she weaves scenes of great historical events that have not yet happened, though it is said that the depictions are often cryptic and sometimes misinterpreted by those who see them. While Arúyn is seen as the patron of violent and untimely death, the Weaver is seen as the patron of death in its own time, particularly of old age.


Parents: Ordae Ruíri (father) and Rígan Lúan (Áes Camáir goddess) (mother).


Arcana, Knowledge, Life, Death, Order, Grave, Twilight

Artistic Representations