Brigga ap Ítharnae (Áes Camáir goddess)

Brigga ap Ítharnae of the Áes Camáir is the goddess of fire, poetry, the hearth, health, fertility, and motherhood. She is the third of Camáir’s five children.

Her Feast Day is in midwinter, which all Sonaide Bri observe by placing lighted candles in the windows of their homes. But most families also keep a special white candle carved with runes honoring Brigga that is lighted in times of need, usually to heal someone in the home who is gravely ill or by women hoping to become pregnant. The Festival of Brigga ap Ítharnae, called Fayluh Brigga, is a midwinter festival sometimes called the Festival of Lights or the Festival of Candles. It begins at sundown on Chryadaans 15, the 46th day of the Common Calendar year, and continues into the evening of Chryadaans 16.


Mother: Camáir

Children: Children with Ordae Ruíri: Imbas Dúil. Children with Arúyn: Síabrad.


Arcana, Light, Life, Forge, Peace, Grave, Twilight

Artistic Representations