Sonaide Bri Holidays & Festivals (Human Culture)

The Sonaide Bri celebrate eight major holidays that correspond with the summer and winter solstices, the spring and autumn equinoxes, and the midpoints between each. Each one is a special feast day for one of the Áes Camáir gods.

The festivals begin at sundown and continue through the evening of the next day.

Fayluh Brigga

The Festival of Brigga ap Ítharnae, called Fayluh Brigga, is a midwinter festival sometimes called the Festival of Lights or the Festival of Candles. It begins at sundown on Chryadaans 15, the 46th day of the Common Calendar year, and continues into the evening of Chryadaans 16. The Sonaide Bri celebrate it by lighting candles or lanterns in prominent windows, or sometimes on the front porch or elsewhere in front of the home. It is a feast day marked by hearty roasts, when possible.

Faylon Énchendach

The Festival of Énchendach ap Fidbaid, or Faylon Énchendach, is the Spring Equinox on the Common Calendar. The celebration begins at sundown on Melquedaans 30 and continues into the evening of Bennedaans 1. Homes are decorated with real flowers if they are available, or artificial ones made of colored paper, glass, or ceramic.

Fayluh Bráenna

The Festival of Bráenna ap Túirenn, or Fayluh Bráenna, is a midspring festival that is sometimes called Bonfire Day. It begins at sundown on Pausadaans 15 and continues into the next evening. The Sonaide Bri celebrate with public and private bonfires that celebrants dance about. For some, it is a lustful celebration, and outdoor assignations are common.

Fayluh Lir

The Festival of Lir ap Tríath, or Fayluh Lir, is celebrated on the Summer Solstice on the Common Calendar, beginning at sundown on Altadaans 31 and continuing into the evening of Tuthodaans 1.

Faylon Ordae

The Festival of Ordae Ruíri, or Faylon Ordae, begins at sundown on Meludaans 15th and continues into the next evening. It is a midsummer celebration and one of the most important on the Sonaide Bri calendar. It is typically celebrated with fruit, both cooked with savory spices as part of meals as well as in pies and confections for dessert.

Fayluh Gentraige

The Festival of Gentraige Fín, or Fayluh Gentraige, is a celebration of the Autumn Equinox on the Common Calendar, beginning at sundown on Ketedaans 30 and continuing into the evening of Garudaans 1. It is celebrated with a harvest feast.

Faylon Arúyn

The Festival of Arúyn, or Faylon Arúyn, is celebrated as the nights begin to get longer. It begins at sunset on Chelydaans 15th and continues into the evening of Chelydaans 16. The ancient Sonaide Bri considered it to be the start of their new year, a day when the walls between the living and the afterlife were thinnest. Though modern Sonaide Bri have adopted the Common Calendar, this remains an important holiday, for it is believed that the the Wild Hunt is fiercest on this day. Youngsters celebrate with spooky costumes and parades meant to simulate the Wild Hunt, while the most devout observe with prayers to protect the spirits of the recent dead, that they may be safe from the Hunt.

Fayluh Déine

The Festival of Déine ap Gáeth, or Fayluh Déine, begins on the Winter Solstice. In the Common Calendar, it also now marks the beginning of the new year. It is a gift-giving holiday among the Sonaide Bri. Servants are generally given the day off. Those who must work usually have their hours shortened, when possible, and are granted generous compensation and extra leave thereafter.